WhatsApp To Stop Working OnAll BlackBerry, Nokia JarvaAnd Sybian Phone, LowerAndroid Versions

  • WhatsApp is undoubtedly the most popular
    chatting platform in the world as it has billions of users all over the planet. It celebrated its 7 years of existence but it turned out to be avdisaster to BlackBerry and other phones users as WhatsApp announced that it will discontinue support for all BlackBerry devices including BB10 devices.

    This is a big blow for all BB users who still
    sticks to BlackBerry and think BlackBerry is a better phone. Even the makers of BlackBerry has surrendered and said they won't be producing new devices running on BlackBerry operating system. So why are some people still in love with this outdated Phone.
    Imagine yourself using a phone without support for WhatsApp chat. It is a big blow and trust me, no one will like to use a phone that doesn't have WhatsApp.

    Apart from blackberry Phones, those using
    Windows phone that runs on windows 7 and below will also be cut-off from WhatsAppvservices. So what are you still waiting for?
    Join the moving train of new Android devices because finally Android have taking the lead as the best phone platform.


    ==> BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10
    ==> Nokia S40
    ==> Nokia Symbian S60
    ==> Android 2.1 and Android 2.2
    ==> Windows Phone 7.1

    WhatsApp owners said that the above Phones are discontinued because they won't support the features that will be integrated in WhatsApp. This means we are yet to see more Features apart from the voice and video calls.

  • ArewaSwag Blog: at February 28, 2016 (edit)
  • Label(s): mobile tips
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