How Earn money with champcash android app Using simple steps

  • Good evening all closeng blog readers, this time I'm here by bring you another android app that you can earn a lot of money. After the in ability of other apps that many people use to earn money with, like slideairtime Whatsapp call etc..

    This new app is call CHAMPCASH with this android app you can be able to get a lot of money and also one reliable thing to this app is they are paying on US dollars meaning if you have 1USD = N235 Nigerian Naira. And also its easy get a lot of money with this android app, for the first time when you register you are going to be credited with $1 which means you have N235 When you invite your friends to this app you will have get $1 per each Invitation.
    After that when you want to cash out your money you can transfer the money in to your PayPal account.

    READ ALSO📃✔ How To Get Huge Airtel 7GB With Just N700 Naira

    How do I Download This App And State Getting Money

    Its easy just follow the steps below to start getting your money with Champcash.
    Step 1 ==> Download Champcash Android app Here...
    Step 2==> Then after download the app, install the app and click on Sing up with champcash.
    Step 3==> Fill all the require information; name, email, phone number, country and the rest and click on Next step.
    Step 4==> Then they will ask you at last step to Enter a Refer then put this 3952942 and complete the order.
    Step 5==> That is all you have been finished with sing up and you will be credited with $1 then start inviting your friends to earn more money.

    You are Finished with Champcash, If you have any question feel free to drop your question using comment box. And don't for get to share this post to your friends...

  • ArewaSwag Blog: at May 31, 2016 (edit)
  • Label(s): Android , App , Tech
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